Five Basic Business Analysis

Five Basic Business Analysis

Five Basic Business Analysis 150 150 Simon DOO

Recently there are more and more companies, which pay attention to the business and strategic planning. This phenomenon is very noticeable with the representatives of small and medium-sized business. One of the basic preconditions of good and reliable strategic planning are detailed business analysis. Their main task is to give general picture on the company itself, its way of doing business its business environment. Then they are followed by specific solution proposals. Further in text five main types of business analysis, offered by SIMON ltd., Belgrade, will be presented.

  1. SWOT analysis. This type of analysis is the best solution, if there is a need for an objective picture of strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as opportunities and threats that the company will face on the market. In order to create objective picture, especially about the weaknesses of the firm, it is recommended that a third party expert performs the analysis. Such analysis can be performed at different levels. The team of experts of SIMON ltd. Belgrade will be happy to deliver the services of SWOT analysis on the project, company or industry level. Based on this type of analysis a company management will make better informed decisions and formulate more clear strategy of development and functioning of the company.
  2. PESTEL analysis. Such analysis are recommended before launching of new product or entering a new market. It analyzes different aspects of environment influence on company’s business. The acronym PESTEL stands for the English words Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors, which influence business of the company. Reliable PESTEL analysis offers clear picture of the business environment of the company.
  3. BENCHMARKING analysis. This type of analysis represents complex research both internal factors of the company and market factors. BENCHMARKING analysis is based on the comparison of the business and business performances of the companies with the best industrial practice. Comparisons are done not only against the competitors, but also against other structural parts of the company itself. Such analysis is very complex and if performed from time to time, it offers the client the information for constant improvement of the business performance.
  4. PORTFOLIO analysis. Portfolio represents very useful instrument of the products positioning and their prioritization. Positioning using such analysis can be done both inside the company and at different markets. Such analysis are of big help for the company management especially within sources of income management and aligning real investments with the wishes and plans.
  5. CATWOE analysis. Such way of doing analysis represents complex strategic analysis which shows how certain product, strategy or goal influence business processes of the company, its image as well as on different stakeholders. The acronym CATWOE stands for the English words Clients, Actors, Transformation, Worldview, Owner and Environmental Constraints. These words represent factors which are subject to such type of analysis.

All these and many other services of the business analysis, which are offered by our team of specialists, are tailored to the needs of our clients and they can combine with the aim of maximum support to their successful business.