Good and reliable bookkeeping is one of the basic preconditions for the success of your company.

That is why our team is here to give strong and good quality support to your business.

SIMON was founded in 1991, as a company primarily providing bookkeeping and accounting services.
During 30 years of successful business, SIMON has gained a name and a positive reputation in the market of Serbia and the region.

We developed wide gamma of services that we offer on the market during the years of doing our business successfully. Within the services of financial and management accounting, we offer an efficient information support to your management, making balance sheets and many different reports on time.

Within financial, tax and investment consulting services we are happy to give you good advice based on legislation and analysis of indicators in relevant fields.

Please do not hesitate to contact us every working day between 9.00 AM and 5.00 PM (GMT+1) and our specialists will answer all your questions with pleasure.

We are proud to emphasize

Our team has developed its own system of information protection and data processing both within the team and in interaction with our clients.

Along with these services, we bring to your attention wide range of specific services tailored to your needs and wishes. We build and improve our business along with needs of our clients.

That is why we have obtained the certificate ISAE 3402, issued by International Federation of Accountants  – IFAC. For more information click HERE

During 30 years of our successful life on the market of Serbia and the Balkans region, we do our business with reference to our main values:

•  Efficiency

•  Knowledge

•  Trust

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