Bookkeeping services

Basic package of the bookkeeping services includes

→ Inventory and financial accounting. Which represents recording of every goods, its quantity and price as well as registry of all changes in value of assets, liabilities, equity, incomes and expenses.

→ Fixed assets registry. Which is recording of all tangible and intangible assets that is being exploited for more than one year.

→ Registry of financial transactions. Which includes recording of all economic changes in chronological order and by accounting categories that they belong.

→ Accounting in accordance with IFRS. Which is performance of all accounting activities partially or completely in accordance to International Financial Reporting Standards with reference to the needs of our clients.

→  Preparation of the documents for reporting packages. Which is preparation and processing of the documents for creation of relevant reporting packages tailored to the needs of the clients.


→ Elaboration and control of monthly, quarterly and yearly balance sheets. Which represents creation of balance sheet and profit and loss sheet within the timeframe regulated by legislation of Republic of Serbia as well as relevant calculations on the quarterly and monthly level tailored to the needs of the client.

→ Calculation of salaries and taxes, and other earnings. Which include calculation of salaries of employees of our clients as well as assigned taxes and contributions. Calculation of earnings at any basis as well as preparation of monthly and yearly calculation, lists of employees of our clients in accordance to the laws and regulations of Republic of Serbia. According to our clients’ needs, we are ready to render this service independently apart from other services.

→  Preparation of tax calculations and reports in accordance with actual laws. Which is preparation, control and processing of all relevant documents for the needs of presenting them to the tax authorities of Republic of Serbia.

Trise Kaclerovica 12, 11000 Belgrade
Telephone: +381 11 397 00 39
+381 11 2465948

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